So my niece, Xana, celebrated her first birthday last March {I know, shushh!} with a Seusville-themed parteyyy. Remember the cat in the hat? Yeah, that's Seusville. So anyway, the party became a mini vacay for the family too as we stayed at the farm for two nights -- first night to help with the preparations and second night, 'cause our hatid {itago na lang natin sya sa pangalan na kuya Marvin} got drunk and we had no choice but to stay.
So first night, Dana and I stayed up late helping out with the decorations.
Hala sigi gupit all night loooong. Cutting is friggin' tedious. You know what I mean? Haha! Come morning, we worked on the souvenirs -- packed epsom salt with ribbons and all. It was the perfect choice since they're living a very healthy organic lifestyle.
Niloloko ko na nga yung pinsan ko na Dr. Quack Quack with all her magic formulas. Hehehe! On the other hand, while we were packing the souvenirs, Teigs' friends worked on decorating the place. Her friend, apparently, is in line with events and generously volunteered to brighten up the venue. My share was, again, a birthday banner. Haha! Funny that it has become my constant birthday contribution. Proof?
here and
here. And I'm actually about to start with two banners again 'cause
Mithy is turning one and Faye is turning six next month -- just two days apart, come on!
Maggugupit gupit na naman ako!
my cousin's mad painting skillzz |
ahemm yet another masterpiece by yours truly :P |
I am Xana
Xana I am |
Anyway, as soon as we've settled, we started taking snaps here and there.
Sabi nga, photos or it didn't happen. Of course it was our pleasure to oblige. Hehehe! It was also Papi, Gigi, Marisse and Mithy's first time so.. As for Dana and me, it's our third time {
second} already but that didn't change a thing. It's as if first time
pa rin namin nakita yung tractor. Farm eh! So we felt like the tractor is always necessary. Hehe!
the birthday girl as Thing 2 ❤️ |
Mithy loves ❤️ |
tadaaa! the tractor! :P |
the biggest camwhore.. EVER! ✌️ |
I hate how I wasn't able to take decent photos of the venue and the food before the party started. We were downstairs as the people come, hence, the lost chance. I snapped anyway 'cause I was so entertained by the food labels -- pink ink in the yink drink, wacky wild rice, cat's hAtdogs, green eggs and ham, one fish two fish, roast beast, the grinch's green, poodles noodles and truffula fruits. Hangkyutt dba? My cousin is a genius! {unless she got them somewhere else} Hahaha! Medyo dyahe din to take photos of the guests because they're all like englisero, englisera. Haha! And I'm not even kidding. My cousin used to work in a call center, that's why. Na-awkward naman ang jologs na si ako. Hehehe!
funneh food labels |
Xana and mommah |
with kuya Koi ❤️ |
teig's lovely fambam ❤️ |
After the party, we got to play a little with the kiddos. Too bad my other nieces weren't able to make it, Faye especially. She could have enjoyed the games and the company of her cousins. At the early age of five, you can tell that she's fond of babies too. Ahemm! I wonder where she got it. *cough* *cough* :P
Ate Cait was a baby charmer too! She played with Xana and made Mithy laugh non-stop. Such a joy watching their chaos.
with ate Pia and Cait |
with kuya We |
Come morning, we made the most out of the farm -- and the kids! I spent the entire morning playing with Xana. While I was at it, my brother and father were enjoying the low mango and orange trees. Of course mom was busy with Mithy. Hehe! My mom's crazy over my niece, can I just say? Lolang lola na yung nanay ko!
just how low can these mangoes go? |
spot me in the first frame |
what-am-I-gonna-do-with-all-these face |
I'm currently missing the farm life right now and I'm itching to bug the sister to go there but I have some major life happening {clue: work, albeit small time, but heyy it's a dream hahaha} these days so not possible yet. Maybe next time, when I'm no longer a bum. Hehehe!
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